Catalyst Holdings

Group of Project are controlled by Catalyst Holdings Private Limited.

Catalyst Holding Private Limited is an independent asset management company. Company is located at Jaipur, Rajasthan and registered in February of 2025.

Catalyst Holding helps people to invest in different project in different sectors of IT, energy and other industries. Catalyst Holdings is the only company who take base margins from asset profit and distribute investment in form of monthly dividend and complete profits.

Here in Catalyst Holdings, Catalyst Holdings controls 50% of the share of projects they are investing into. Through this process they can control and helps the project as much as possible and get the best profits from their investment. Here in Catalyst Holdings, people who are investing into the project have options in their hands that they can choose monthly dividend returns or they can get shares return to their investment by their own will.

As the part of Catalyst Holdings people can be a part of both Catalyst Holdings and the specific projects they are investing into.

Catalyst Holdings structure

Catalyst Holdings is tasked with managing the assets and wealth of the funds provided by the people. Our portfolio includes the controlling shares in the Projects listed in different portfolio of IT, energy and other industries.

Catalyst Holdings Companies Highlights

Catalyst Holdings Private Limited registered itself in February, 2025. As an asset management company, it offers different project to everyone to invest into. Here people can invest in both the patterns, either in dividend return for or as an stake holder in the projects.

Catalyst Holdings and Investment Portfolio

Total Assets under Management (AuM) FY23 €108 billion – breakdown:

The Novo Group Charter

Present as well as future companies in the Novo Group must demonstrate willingness, ability and resolve to meet the following criteria:

  • company products and services make a significant difference in improving the way people live and work;

  • the company is perceived to be an innovator – in technology, in products, in services and/or in market approach;

  • the company is among the best in its business and a challenging place to work;

  • the company delivers competitive financial performance.

Companies in the Novo Group commit to:

  • values-based management;

  • open and honest dialogue with its stakeholders;

  • continuous improvement of financial performance, environmental performance and social performance;

  • reporting in accordance with relevant, internationally approved, conventions.